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Tasty Asia Cookbook Recipes for Thermomix Cook Chip TM5 (Chinese)

Tasty Asia Cookbook Recipes for Thermomix Cook Chip TM5 (Chinese)


《食尚亚洲》的食谱都是经过严格审核的,并且附有精美的图像,我们确保每道食谱都能实现 Thermomix 保证成功的承诺。

拥有了这本食谱,您不但可以重新怀念伴您成长的家庭风味,还可以将将您喜爱的亚洲餐馆菜肴 轻松地在自家廚房如法炮制。

《食尚亚洲》提供了简单易懂的步骤说明,引导您如何设定时间、温度和速度,让您从选择材料 开始、食材准备一直到完成料理的整个过程都充满乐趣。我们保证您的自家烹调菜肴将与在外的 餐馆烹调菜肴不相上下。

Thermomix®拥有革命性的烹调功能,将十二种不同家电的功能整合到这小巧的机身上,让准备 料理变得更轻松简单,同时也节省您厨房柜台和橱柜的宝贵空间。

只需一个主锅,您就可以称重、切碎、混合、攪打、融化、揉搓、烹煮及自动清洗,让烹调成为 更愉悦的体验。

当Thermomix”在烹调时,它能够安全的帮助我们把料理烹调好,因此我们拥有更多的个人时间 或陪伴家人的时间。 即日起,就开始用更轻松简易的方式来烹调健康、营养及美味的一餐吧!无论您是为自己准备单 人餐单或是为心爱的人准备爱心餐;无论您是烹饪新手,美食家或厨师,都可借此把欢乐带进您 的厨房内。


Authored by Fifi Leong, this cookbook is a compilation of pantry staples such as sauces and condiments, to soups, main meals, whether it’s Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Korean, Japanese, Indonesia or Malaysia, if you are looking for Asian restaurants, bakeries, street food inspired recipes, the Tasty Asia is perfect for you.

  • Winner of Gourmand World Best Cookbook Award for Asian Cuisine
  • 68 Asian restaurants, bakeries, street food inspired recipes
  • Recipes from 9 Asian countries such as China, Vietnam, Thailand, Korea, Japan, India, Indonesia, and Malaysia
  • Step-by-step cooking instructions with time, temperature and speed controls for consistent cooking results
  • Master time-saving multi-layer cooking
  • Beautiful food photography in vibrant colour
  • Step-by-step pictorial instructions to master “more challenging” recipes like the Hokkaido Milk Toast Bread

重量 0.3 公斤
尺寸 6 × 12 × 2 厘米