Thermomix® Three-in-One Cooking Cookbook (Bilingual) TM5 | TM6
Multi-layer cooking utilises the Thermomix® mixing bowl, simmering basket and Varoma, all at the same time, to cook many delectably delicious food across all layers. With 50 multi-layer recipes that add up to over 150 dishes, the instructions and tips to cook multiple dishes at the same time, the Three-in-One Cooking cookbook gives you the cooking versatility to be in total control on how and when you want to cook and serve the dishes.
Three-in-One Cooking 一锅三菜
Thermomix® Multi-Layer Cooking Recipe Collection
Multi-layer cooking utilises the Thermomix® mixing bowl, simmering basket and Varoma, all at the same time, to cook many delectably delicious food across all layers. With 50 multi-layer recipes that add up to over 150 dishes, the instructions and tips to cook multiple dishes at the same time, the Three-in-One Cooking cookbook gives you the cooking versatility to be in total control on how and when you want to cook and serve the dishes.
Stack up to cook an “all-in-one” main dish, such as meat with a side of vegetables and bean curd, or use the layers to prepare a 3-course meal with starter, main dish and side dish at the same time!
Explore a multitude of exotic flavours and diverse cooking traditions with your Thermomix®. Beyond just regular steaming, the Thermomix® steaming function can also be used in many unexpected ways such as making the most decadent steamed savoury char siu cake; getting an impossibly springy and “QQ” texture in homemade muah chi; or cooking the juiciest ayam kunyit effortlessly from start to finish in the comfort of your kitchen.
For ones who are time starved, the Three-in-One Cooking cookbook allows more dishes to be cooked quickly – enabling meals to be ready in record time. Stay inspired with unlimited dish combinations that can cooked at the same time. Amaze everyone with Three-in-One Cooking using your Thermomix®.
The Three-in-One Cooking Cookbook won the Gourmand Award in 2019.
Thermomix®的多层烹饪利用主锅、网锅和蒸锅组合来同时烹煮,让您的生活更简单,并且能做 出更美味的佳肴。
我们已在这本食谱书囊括了50道一锅三菜的食谱,共计150道菜,提供您如何一次料理多道菜肴 的相关建议说明。您可以自行决定是否需要按照食谱将全部料理同时端上桌,或是把一部分保 留至隔天再操作,或者您也可以只做其中的一项个别料理。
Thermomix®使用简单的方式带您探索不同的传统料理方法…今日的异国风味料理将会成为您 明日桌上的家常菜。除了时蔬和鱼类,蒸煮的做法也可以用在令人意想不到的地方。您是否知 道,您可以从头到尾使用Thermomix®制作蒸葱香叉烧咸蛋糕?您知道蒸过的麻糍有一种无可比 拟的口感吗?您知道印尼烤鸡蒸煮后是多么的汁多味美吗?
使用Thermomix®多功能料理机烹饪时,最大的特色就是能够同时料理多道菜肴。使用不同层次 来制作一道“一应俱全”的菜肴,例如:肉类搭配时蔬及豆腐,或使用不同层次来准备一套正 餐,包括前菜、主菜和配菜。
探索如何使用Thermomix®来提升您的烹饪水平,藉此应付各式各样的需求,协助您做出多人份 和少人份的料理,一次过备妥多种健康料理。使用这些食谱作为灵感来源,藉此拓展您的烹饪 技能,最重要的是,利用这些食谱,让您的家人好友吃得更开心。
Bilingual: In English and Chinese
Weight | 0.9 kg |