Thermomix® Taiwanese Flaky 3Q Mochi Mooncake

The Taiwanese take on this 3Q mooncake includes a flaky crust, a sweet paste, a chewy mochi, and a salted egg yolk. The combination of the texture and flavours makes this mooncake uniquely delicious. Did you know that you can also make this with the Thermomix®?

QQ Taiwanese Mochi Yam Mooncake Recipe (Recipe credits to Chef Alan Ooi , Jojo Lim, Joanne Loh)

紫薯芋泥馅 l Purple Sweet Potato Taro Paste Filling
材料A l Ingredients A
500 克 芋头,切块(3公分) l 500 g taro, cut in chunks (3 cm)
100 克 紫薯,切块(3公分) l 100 g purple sweet potato, cut in chunks (3 cm)

材料B l Ingredients B
150 – 200 克 糖 l 150 – 200 g sugar
30 克 食油 l 30 g cooking oil

材料C l Ingredients C
20 克 澄面粉 l 20 g wheat starch
30 克 食油 l 30 g cooking oil
Note: Mix wheat starch and cooking oil together

做法 l Steps
1. 倒入500克水放进主锅,把材料A放上Varoma蒸锅上,用25分钟/Varoma/速度 2 蒸煮。Pour 500 g water into mixing bowl, place ingredients A on the Varoma dish, steam 25 min/Varoma/speed 2.
2. 把水倒掉,把芋头和紫薯倒入主锅,以30秒/ /速度2.5搅碎。Pour out the water, place taro and purple sweet potato into mixing bowl, blend 30 sec/ / speed 2.5.
3. 加入糖,无需盖上量杯,以10分/100°C / /速度3搅拌,同时,将食油缓慢地倒入主锅盖上的洞口,分成三段让它慢慢落在搅拌刀组上。Add sugar, without measuring cup, blend 10 min/100°C/ /speed 3, meanwhile, separate 3 times slowly pour cooking oil through the hole of mixing bowl lid,
4. 再以10分/100°C / /速度3烹煮,分成3段慢慢的加入材料C。倒入碗中待凉。Cook 10分/100°C / /速度3, separate 3 times slowly add in ingredients C. Transfer to a bowl and let cold.

麻薯和咸蛋黄 l mochi and salted egg yolk
材料 l Ingredients150克 糯米粉 l 150 g glutinous rice flour
20克 玉米粉 l 20 g corn starch
20克 木薯粉 l 20 g potato starch
20 克 食油 l 20 g cooking oil
180 克 水 l 180 g water
12 粒 咸蛋黄,洗净 l 12 salted egg yolks, rinsed

做法 l Steps
1. 将糯米粉,玉米粉和木薯粉放入主锅,以20秒/速度4 混合。Place glutinous rice flour, corn starch and potato starch into mixing bowl, blend 20 sec/ speed 4.
2. 加入水,以20秒/速度4 混合。抹少许油在不锈钢蒸碟,把混合物倒入蒸碟, 再放入蒸锅(Varoma Dish)里, 待用。同时, 抹少许油在另一个不锈钢蒸碟,把咸蛋黄倒入蒸碟, 再放入蒸盘(Varoma Tray)里, 待用。清洗主锅。Add water, blend 20 sec/ speed 4. Grease stainless steel steaming tray with some cooking oil, transfer the mixture into greased tray and put on the Varoma Dish, set aside. Meanwhile, place salted egg yolks into another stainless steel steaming tray and put on the Varoma Tray, set aside. Rinse mixing bowl.
3. 将500克水倒入主锅,置入蒸锅 (混合物),以 20分钟/Varoma//速度3.5蒸煮。Place 500 g water into mixing bowl, put Varoma Dish (with mixture) on mixing bowl lid, steam 20 min/ Varoma/ / speed 3.5.
4. 剩下的10分钟,谨慎地把蒸锅组锅盖打开,置入蒸盘 (咸蛋黄),放在蒸锅 (Varoma Dish) 上一起蒸煮。During last 10 minutes, carefully open Varoma lid, put Varoma Tray (with salted egg yolks) on the Varoma Dish and steam together. Set aside. Rinse mixing bowl.
5. 将油和热麻薯放入主锅,以 30秒/速度6-8搅拌。 倒入另一个碗中,刷上一层油待凉。Place cooking oil and hot mochi into mixing bowl, blend 30 sec/ speed 6-8. Transfer into serving bowl and lightly grease a layer of oil and let cold.

Mooncake Dough l 月饼面团材料 l
(A) 水皮材料 l Water Dough
300 克 中筋面粉 l 300 g plain flour
60 克 糖粉 l 60 g icing sugar
85 克 牛油 l 85 g butter
135 克 水 l 135 g water

(B)油皮材料 l Oil dough
210 克 中筋面粉 l 210 g plain flour
140 克 牛油 l 140 g butter
涂料 l Glazing
蛋黄 l 1 egg yolk
芝麻 l sesame seeds (optional)

做法 l Steps
1. 水皮:将材料A放入主锅,以 揉/2分钟 混合。休面10分钟,分成12 份 (每份约45 克),搓成圆球。Water dough: Place ingredients A into mixing bowl, knead/2min. Rest dough for 10 minutes, divide into 12 servings (45 g each) and knead into round ball.
2. 油皮:将材料B放入主锅,以 20秒 / 速度 2.5混合,分成12 份,每份28 克,搓成圆球。Oil dough: Place ingredients B into mixing bowl, blend 20 sec/ speed 2.5. Divide into 12 servings and knead into round ball.
3. 将水皮擀平后,把油皮裹入水皮里,搓圆,重复做完12份。再用擀面棍,把面团擀成长条形,卷起像瑞士卷,重复此动作直至完成所有面团。Flatten the water dough and put the oil dough on it, knead into round ball again. Then, flatten the dough into long shape, and roll it. Repeat this step, for all 12 servings.
4. 再用擀面棍把卷面团擀平,再次卷起,重复此动作直至完成所有面团。再休面约10分钟Flatten the roll dough, and roll back again. Repeat this step, for all 12 servings. Rest dough for 10 minutes.
5. 将一份面团擀平,裹入紫薯芋泥馅、麻薯和咸蛋黄,捏紧收口,压扁成圆状,再轻轻的用手心按扁。涂上蛋黄和芝麻,放入预热的烤箱(190℃)烘烤20分钟或直至呈金黄色。Flatten a roll dough, put purple sweet potato paste filling, mochi and salted egg yolks into it. Press the edges, and press into oblong shape. Then, gently press the dough with palm. Grease egg yolk and sesame on top, put into preheated oven (190℃) for 20 minutes until golden yellow.

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