Thermomix® Recipes – Healthy Delights with Chef Amy

Chef Amy Ho from Taiwan hosted this delightful tutorial where the passionate chef guided us through the process of making Banana Cream Cheese Whole Grain Bread and Blueberry Cream Cheese Scones using the Thermomix®.

Chef Amy has led masterclasses across Southeast Asia and collaborates with top Taiwanese culinary talents.

About Chef Amy Ho
Originating from Taiwan, Chef Amy is a self-taught baker. She is also the overseas agent for many renown Taiwanese baking and culinary chefs. Chef Amy finds passion in hosting Master Classes and events around South East Asia. She recommends the use of Prima Flour for quality baking results

原自台湾的烘培大师 Amy Ho, 在直播上亲自指导如何使用Thermomix® 制作家人都会喜欢的既健康又美味的面包和司康!

一位充满热忱的自学烘焙师,Chef Amy 带领了许多顶尖的台湾厨艺师傅在东南亚开办烹饪班。

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Banana cream cheese bread 燕麥香蕉乳酪起司麵包

Banana cream cheese bread 燕麥香蕉乳酪起司麵包

Main Dough Ingredients 主麵團材料

  • Prima Superior Bread flour 百齡麥上質強力粉260g
  • Ice Water 冰水110g
  • Sugar 白砂糖15g
  • Salt 塩3g
  • Frozen Banana 冷凍香蕉80g
  • Dry yeast 乾酵母3g
  • Unsalted Butter 無塩奶油25g
  • Nuts & Raisins/Dried Cranberry 綜合果乾130g
  • Oats for coating 粘面包表层的燕麦 (optional)

Banana cream cheese filling 香蕉乳酪起司内陷材料

  • Cream Cheese 奶油乳酪130g
  • Banana 香蕉100g
  • Icing Sugar 糖粉10g
  • Cheese Powder 起司粉5g

Method 作法:

  1. Preheat the oven at 180c
  2. Use the scale function to weigh all the ingredients of banana cream cheese filling into
    the main bowl
  3. Use Speed 4 / 10sec mix well, put the mixture into a piping bag, keep in the fridge
  4. Use Turbo 2sec 3x to mix the icing water and frozen banana
    將冰水與冷凍香蕉放入主鍋以Turbo 2秒三次攪打
  5. Add in main dough ingredient 1/3/4/6 into main bowl, use kneading function for 4mins to
    knead the dough
  6. Add in unsalted butter, knead for another 2mins
  7. Add in mixed nuts, knead for 20 seconds
  8. Collect the dough out of the mixing bowl, shape round and put in a container proof till 2x
  9. Divide into six equally about 100g each, shape round and cover it rest for 15mins
  10. Roll out the dough to oval shape, put the banana cream cheese filling 40g on top, pinch
    it tightly at the end, and shape again into an olive shape.
  11. Spray the surface with water, cover with oats
  12. Put on baking tray final proof till 1.5x size
  13. A cut on the surface to reveal the filling
  14. Bake at 180 c for about 20mins
Blueberry cream cheese scone 藍莓乳酪起司司康

Blueberry cream cheese scone 藍莓乳酪起司司康

Main Dough Ingredients 面团材料

  • Prima Cake flour 百齡麥蛋糕粉300g
  • Purple Sweet Potato Powder 紫薯粉(or Matcha Powder 抺茶粉)10g
  • Baking Powder 泡打粉10g
  • Sugar 白砂糖60g
  • Salt 塩2g
  • Unsalted Butter 無塩奶油60g
  • Egg Liquid 蛋液40g
  • Whipping Cream 動物性鮮奶油130g

Cream cheese filling 藍莓起司内陷材料

  • Cream Cheese 奶油乳酪200g
  • Blueberry Jam 藍莓醬(or Dried Sliced Cranberry) 40g
  • Milk Powder 奶粉20g
  • Icing Sugar 糖粉20g

Method 作法:

  1. Preheat the oven at 180c
  2. Use 10sec/speed 4 to mix well the softened cream cheese + blueberry jam + milk powder + icing sugar, put into a piping bag, chill for 10mins
  3. Put main dough ingredient 1-5 into main bowl mix for 20sec speed 3
  4. Add in unsalted butter mix for 20sec speed 3
  5. Add in whipping cream and egg liquid use kneading function for 30sec
  6. Collect the dough and shape to a dough, cover with cling wrap, put in fridge for half hour
  7. Divide the dough to 50g each, pinch into a bowl shape 分割成毎份50克的麵團,捏成碗狀
  8. Pip in the blueberry cream cheese filling, shape again
  9. Place into the oven and bake at 180c for 20min
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