Our favourite Thermomix® Vegetarian and meat-free dishes for Vesak Day 2024

Whether you are celebrating Vesak Day or just wanting to eat healthily – here are some of our recommended vegetarian and meat-free recipes that the whole family will love that you can try out at home with your Thermomix® this Vesak Day.

Going meat-free becomes much easier thanks to the variety of Vegetarian recipes available from our many Gourmand winning cookbooks, as well as, on our award winning Recipe Platform – Cookidoo®. With thousands of recipes directly accessible from your Thermomix®, and guiding you from the start of the cooking process, to finish, you can whip up any dish effortlessly anytime of the day! Read on to find out our favourite Vegetarian dishes to enjoy this Vesak Day.

1. Vegan Rendang

vegan rendang
Our favourite Thermomix® Vegetarian and meat-free dishes for Vesak Day – Vegan Rendang

Savour this flavourful “meaty” rendang dish that is 100% plant based! With Thermomix®, cooking traditional recipes that require many ingredients is a breeze – especially with the new Chop Tool that gives you visual cue to select what you wish to chop without the need to remember any settings! Thermomix® is truly cooking made easy. Spicy and flavourful, this dish is perfect as a one pot dish with just plain rice!

Recipe courtesy of Suriya Abdullah

  • 80g Shallots
  • 20g Garlic
  • 40 Green Chilli (Break in 3 pieces each)
  • 10 green Chilli Padi
  • 20g Fresh Turmeric root
  • 20g Ginger
  • 10g Galangal
  • 2 pcs of lemongrass (white part only)
  • 30g Kerisik (toasted desiccated coconut)
  • 80g Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 5 pcs Kafir Lime Leaves
  • 100g Coconut Milk
  • 1 pc Asam Keping (Dried Tamarind Slice)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 TBSP sugar
  • 900g mini king Oyster Mushrooms


  1. Place the shallots, garlic, green chili, chili padi, turmeric, ginger and galangal. Using chop mode to chop
  2. Add in lemongrass, 5 sec/reverse sp5
  3. Add kerisik, Virgin Coconut oil, kafir lime leave, sauté 8 minutes/120c/reverse spoon
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients and cook for 8 minutes/varoma/reverse spoon
  5. Once coked, let it rest for 5minutes inside the mixing bowl before serving

2. Mushroom Chee Cheong Fun

Literally meaning intestine noodles, these are a favourite snack and commonly eaten for breakfast locally. Traditionally, requiring quite a fair bit of skill to make these from scratch, now you can make this delicious snack easily with your Thermomix®. No wonder, everyone says all you need are good recipes for your Thermomix®, even difficult dishes can be made from scratch with predictably good results every time!

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Our favourite Thermomix® Vegetarian and meat-free dishes for Vesak Day – Mushroom Chee Cheong Fun

Recipe Courtesy of Eng Yi Man

A) Sauce 肠粉酱料*

  • 20g Light Soy Sauce酱油
  • 10g Fish Sauce鱼露
  • 20g oyster sauce 耗油
  • 10g sugar 糖
  • 5g sesame oil 麻油
  • 200g water 水

*B) Rice Mixture 肠粉米浆*

  • 60g rice flour 粘米粉
  • 20g tapioca flour 木薯粉
  • 20g wheat starch flour 澄面粉
  • 360g water 水
  • 1 tsp shallot oil 葱油
  • Pinch of salt 盐

150g rinsed rehydrated dried Chinese mushrooms (chopped into small pieces) 香菇 (剁碎)
Some chopped spring onion 青葱

Preparation 处理:

  1. Marinade mushrooms with pinch of salt, pepper and ½ tsp tapioca flour, and set aside. 将香菇,少许盐,胡椒粉和 ½ tsp 木薯粉放入碗中,拌勻后置于一旁备用。
  2. Place ingredients (A) into mixing bowl, cook the sauce 3 min /100°C / Sp 1, set aside and rinse mixing bowl. 将材料 (A) 放入主锅,以 3分钟/ 100°C/ 速度1 烹煮,置於一旁備用,清洗主锅。
  3. Place ingredients (B) into mixing bowl, mix 30 sec / Sp 3. Pour rice mixture into a bowl, set aside and clean mixing bowl.将材料 (B) 放入主鍋,以 30 秒/速度 3 混合,把米浆倒入碗中備用,清洗主鍋。
  4. Meanwhile, brush some shallot oil on the normal parchment baking paper (or stainless steel steaming plate) and place it atop the Varoma tray 将烘焙紙塗抹些油後鋪在蒸盤,並将100g 混合好的粉浆倒入蒸盤內备用
  5. Using a ladle, scoop 100g of the reserved rice mixture onto the baking sheet or steaming plate
  6. 将烘焙纸塗抹些食油在蒸盤上,並将100g 混合好的粉浆倒入蒸盘內备用。
  7. Put 1 kg of water into the mixing bowl. Use Kettle mode and set to 100c 把1KG 水倒入锅内,启动Kettle 功能把水煮开
  8. Stack the Varoma in position on top of the lid to steam the rice mixture for *6 min / Varoma / Reverse / Sp 1* 把蒸锅摆在主锅上,蒸6分钟 / Varoma 温度 / Sp 1
  9. After steaming about a minute, remove the lid and add the marinated mushrooms and chopped spring onions, cover the lid and continue to steam. 大约1分钟后,在粉浆上加入腌制过的香菇,葱花,继续蒸煮
  10. Continue to steam about another 3 batches of rice mixture until finished. Serve steamed Chee Cheong Fun with the prepared sauce (A) 继续蒸煮直到粉浆完全蒸完。淋上主准备好的肠粉酱料便可

3. Vegetarian Burger

Vegetarian Burger
Our favourite Thermomix® Vegetarian and meat-free dishes for Vesak Day – Vegetarian Burger

With a rise in the popularity of Impossible Burgers in the recent years, this homemade Vegetarian Burger will make a hearty and delicious meal. Check out the Cookidoo recipe for Vegetarian Burger here: https://cookidoo.international/recipes/recipe/en/r174917

4. Vietnamese Jackfruit Rice Paper Rolls / Spring Rolls

Vietnamese Jackfruit Rice Paper Rolls / Spring Rolls
Our favourite Thermomix® Vegetarian and meat-free dishes for Vesak Day – Vietnamese Jackfruit Rice Paper Rolls

Jackfruit is popular throughout Southeast Asia, and has a distinct sweet aroma. The fruit can be starchy and fibrous, but when cooked has a texture similar to pulled meat (making it a great option for vegetarians and vegans).
Get the recipe from the Eat Well Cookbook or refer to the Cookidoo recipe for Vegetarian Carbonara here: https://cookidoo.international/recipes/recipe/en/r208774

5. Vegetarian Sausage Rolls

Vegetarian Sausage Rolls
Our favourite Thermomix® Vegetarian and meat-free dishes for Vesak Day – Vegetarian Sausage Rolls

Ideal for snacks or lunch boxes. Serve with tomato ketchup for extra flavour.
Check out the Cookidoo recipe for Vegetarian Sausage Rolls here: https://cookidoo.international/recipes/recipe/en/r68605

6. Green Goddess Pizza

Green Goddess Pizza
Our favourite Thermomix® Vegetarian and meat-free dishes for Vesak Day – Green Goddess Pizza

Whether you already follow a plant-based diet or just want to incorporate more meat-free meals into your week, it’s so easy to make vegan and plant-based foods in your Thermomix®.
Refer to the Green Goddess Pizza here: https://cookidoo.international/recipes/recipe/en/r730338

7. Pumpkin Kaya

Pumpkin Kaya
Our favourite Thermomix® Vegetarian and meat-free dishes for Vesak Day – Pumpkin Kaya

Start your day with some steamed bread or mantou with this delicious pumpkin kaya spread!

Check out the Cookidoo recipe for Pumpkin Kaya here to save as favourite to sync into your Thermomix®.
https://cookidoo.international/recipes/recipe/en/r150742 or get this recipe from the Wholesome Vegan Cookbook

8. Berry Nice Gelato

Berry Nice Gelato
Our favourite Thermomix® Vegetarian and meat-free dishes for Vesak Day – Berry Nice Gelato

Even the kids will love the Berry Nice Gelato that’s packed full of nutritious antioxidants without the nasties! This dairy-free dessert is also good for people who are lactose intolerant.
Check out the Cookidoo recipe for Berry Nice Gelato here: https://cookidoo.international/recipes/recipe/en/r619238 or get this recipe and more from the healthy plant-based Wholesome Vegan cookbook.

9. Hotteok (Sweet Filled Pancakes)

Hotteok (Sweet Filled Pancake)
Our favourite Thermomix® Vegetarian and meat-free dishes for Vesak Day – Hotteok (sweet filled pancakes)

Hotteok is a bready pancake filled with cinnamon sugar. Because it is a yeasted dough, you get a nice rise that resembles a soft bread but pan frying will crisp the outsides.
Kids who are into Hallyu or Korean wave will love these. Check out the Cookidoo recipe for Hotteok here: https://cookidoo.international/recipes/recipe/en/r56892

10. Steamed Carrot and Zucchini Tagliatelle

Steamed Carrot and Zucchini Tagliatelle
Our favourite Thermomix® Vegetarian and meat-free dishes for Vesak Day – Steamed Carrot and Zucchini Tagliatelle

Also called zoodles, these are healthy, quick to make and gluten-free! A fresh and healthy alternative to pasta, it’s also a fun way to introduce more greens into the diets of our loved ones.

Check out the Cookidoo recipe for Steamed Carrot and Zucchini Tagliatelle here: https://cookidoo.international/recipes/recipe/en/r139444

11. Huai Shan Chawanmushi

Thermomix® Wholesome Vegan Huai Shan Chawanmushi

This traditional Japanese steamed egg custard gets a plant-based twist, using Huai Shan (Chinese yam) to create a creamy, comforting dish that’s perfect for any time of day.

1 tbsp diced king oyster mushrooms (1 cm)
1 tbsp diced celery (1 cm)
100 g fresh Huai Shan (Chinese yam), cut into chunks (2 cm)
200 g silken tofu, preferably organic
¼ tsp rock salt
2 dried shiitake mushrooms, soaked to soften, stems removed, cut into halves
2 carrot slices
500 g water
1 tbsp Japanese soy sauce (shoyu)
1 tsp sesame oil


  1. Arrange diced king oyster mushrooms and diced celery evenly in 2 ceramic cups (150 ml) respectively. Set aside.
  2. Place nagaimo, tofu and rock salt into mixing bowl, blend 1 min/speed 10 until creamy. Transfer tofu mixture evenly into the prepared ceramic cups. Lay 2 pieces of mushrooms and 1 carrot slice onto tofu mixture in each cup. Arrange the cups in Varoma dish. Clean mixing bowl.
  3. Place water into mixing bowl, boil 6 min/Varoma/speed 1. Set Varoma into position, steam 12 min/Varoma/speed 1. Meanwhile, mix soy sauce and sesame oil in a small bowl. Carefully open
    Varoma lid, drizzle reserved soy sauce mixture onto chawanmushi. Serve warm.

For more Vegetarian meal ideas, check out our Vegetarian Cookbooks. Say bye to boring and bland Vegetarian dishes!

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