Two Thermomix® Ramadan e-Books

Ramadan Mubarak!

Why stress over meals for breaking fast during Ramadan or dishes to cook for Raya?
With Thermomix®, you can leave the heavy weigh kitchen chores to it and focus on more relaxing chores like meal planning during the annual fasting month so our loved ones eat better while we can save time and money too! Sahur and Iftar are good times to eat together as a family and bond over food before the start of the day and at the end of the day.

With the Double Bowl promotion extended due to popular demand, we are gifting you 2 eBooks with 41 recipes this month – timely as we fast and prepare for Raya celebration! It’s Double Bowls and Double the Joy with Double eBooks!

These curated recipes are perfect for Eid Ramadan, made even easier and more convenient with the use of Thermomix®.

From traditional dishes to modern twists, you have a variety of options to please every palate. Thermomix® simplifies the cooking process, from chopping to blending and cooking, giving you the ease and convenience to make traditional Malay dishes that are normally very tedious in conventional cooking, effortlessly.

Our recipes have been specifically designed to take advantage of Thermomix®’s capabilities, ensuring consistently great results every time, while you also maximise your Thermomix® to do more for you.

Cooking to feed our loved ones is love made visible. Let Thermomix® help you to make this period more meaningful.

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Thermomix® Double Ramadan ebooks 2023

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Singapore Ramadan eBook for Thermomix®

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Indonesia Ramadan eBook for Thermomix®

Yet to experience Thermomix? Book your personal cooking experience now.

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