Thermomix Tm6 In Use


Ramadan eBooks for Thermomix®

Two Thermomix® Ramadan e-Books

Ramadan Mubarak Why stress over meals for breaking fast during Ramadhan or dishes to cook for Raya? With Thermomix, you can leave the heavy weigh kitchen chores to it and focus on more relaxing chores like meal planning during the annual fasting month so our loved ones eat better while we have an easier time. With the Double Bowl promotion extended due to popular demand, we are gifting you 2 eBooks and 41 recipes! These delicious recipes are perfect for Eid Ramadan, made even easier with the use of Thermomix®.
Thermomix X Singapore Cancer Society Donation Drive

The Thermomix® Cookathon with Singapore Cancer Society

In recognition of Women's Day, Thermomix® is working with Singapore Cancer Society this March to raise awareness for women's health and wellbeing as well as raising funds to support needy cancer patients. Timely health screening can maximise lives. Cancer is the number one cause of death in Singapore and accounts for 1 in 3 deaths in the total Singapore population. 1

CNY Auspicious ingredients and their symbolic meanings

Auspicious ingredients and their symbolic meanings during the Lunar New Year. Do you know all the auspicious symbolic meaning of the ingredients we are shopping for Chinese New Year? Here is a list for your reference and be sure to have these dishes planned in your Reunion Dinner and the following New Year days for a stellar start to a new year! Armed with your Thermomix®, cooking for an elaborate dinner will be a breeze.