Category Cooking Videos

CNY Auspicious ingredients and their symbolic meanings

Auspicious ingredients and their symbolic meanings during the Lunar New Year. Do you know all the auspicious symbolic meaning of the ingredients we are shopping for Chinese New Year? Here is a list for your reference and be sure to have these dishes planned in your Reunion Dinner and the following New Year days for a stellar start to a new year! Armed with your Thermomix®, cooking for an elaborate dinner will be a breeze.
pineapple tarts

Bake pineapple tarts with Thermomix®

There's nothing more fulfilling than making your own pineapple tarts from scratch. You'll be using fresh sweet pineapples, less sugar if you must, the best French butter, and even add decadent touches like s sprit of gold dust or shape the morsels into cute little bunnies (2023 is the year of the Rabbit). Here are some of our favourite pineapple tart recipes you can try. Bake some and join our annual Pineapple Tart Challenge and this year, you may be the winner to Elle & Vire's gift hamper (valued at $100 each)! With Thermomix®, it is so easy to make these delicious treats which have now become ubiquitous during the Lunar New Year as a popular and auspicious gift for family and friends.
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Make your own Gluten Free Self Raising Flour

Going gluten free may alleviate health issues such as bloatedness, digestive problems, fatigue and eczema.  But going gluten-free does not mean the end to sweet desserts with high cost of gluten free ingredients or cutting back on sweet treats. We can substitute wheat flour with gluten free homemade ones made with the Thermomix®. Check out this DIY gluten free self raising flour is free of wheat and preservatives, for you to start baking healthier!